Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Crazy Times

In a little over a week’s time we will have a “for sale” sign in our front yard.  Preparing to sell a house is a lot like preparing for a wedding (if you’ve done neither, I have a few points of advice:  #1.  Elope and #2. Live with your parents until you can afford your dream home…..ha!).  Like planning for a wedding, there are so many minor details that you come to a point where you throw your hands in the air and say what is done is done, what is undone will remain undone.  We are to that point.  We have been working really hard the last two months to prepare our home for a potential buyer.  We’ve replaced bathroom floors, painted, stained the deck, fixed doors, painted some more, seeded the lawn, etc.  And by “we,” I clearly mean my husband.  But we are one now, so his labor is my labor - BUT my labor pains will never be his. J  My husband has conquered this intense labor with perseverance and grace.  Hopefully all of his hard work will be a blessing to the next home owners.
I haven’t had time to really think about all of the realities of actually selling our home.  Anyone that has tried to sell a home in the last 5-7 years knows how scary it is from a financial perspective.  It is a really tough market out there, but we feel strongly that God is calling us to another community so we know He’ll work out the details.  I’ve had glimmers of sadness here and there at the thought of leaving our first home, but I’m sure the fullness of that will hit me when it actually sells.  So if you think of us over the next few weeks, we would love your prayers as we take a step of faith and follow God’s lead.  Let the “fun” begin.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I am reading the book of Matthew right now and I always find the stories of Jesus miraculously feeding thousands of people so fascinating.  First of all, it is just an amazing miracle that shows the depth of his compassion to feed a famished crowd that has taxed him in every way.  Chapter 14 details the miracle of feeding 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish.  Skip ahead one chapter and Jesus is once again surrounded by thousands of people who are in desperate need of nourishment.  The disciples ask Jesus where they will get enough food to feed everyone in such a desolate land.  What?!?  Weren’t you just with Him when he fed 5000 people (not counting women and children)?!?  And now you ask how He is going to feed this many people.  Oh ye of little faith.
This lack of faith is so obvious when you read these stories back to back in the bible.  But how often do I ask the same silly questions??  Whether it is finances, time, agendas, everyday details that stress me out, etc., I hear Him lovingly saying “Haven’t I come through on this time and time again?  Don’t you have faith enough to know that I will come through again?”  He is so faithful.