Monday, September 5, 2011

Dreams Continued

I thought I would follow up my last post on dreams with some very specific examples of how God has used dreams to speak to me.  For those of us that dream a lot, dreams can become very common place that we tend to overlook their significance.  In many of my dreams, God isn’t speaking something that is highly profound and mind blowing (although I’ve had those dreams as well).   It is usually something very simple and often times a revelation for someone that needs encouragement.  I can think of three very simple dreams off the top of my head that allowed me to speak specific revelations of exactly what certain individuals needed to hear in that moment.  It is so fun being God’s mouth piece!

One of these dreams happened over three years ago.  An old friend who I had minimal contact with had just given birth.  I dreamt that she was having issues trying to breast feed.  I decided to send her an email the next day to see if this was true.  It was in fact very true!  She was having major issues and was very frustrated (especially since this was her first child and she was putting pressure on herself to make everything perfect).  I kindly told her to relax and if breast feeding didn’t work out, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.  That is what God wanted to tell her in that moment.  Nothing earth shattering.  He simply wanted to tell His daughter that she was doing a great job as a first time mom and it didn’t matter if she mastered the art of breast feeding.

Another dream came a few years ago for a co-worker.  I dreamt that he was in line for a new job at work.  God showed me the specific job that he was going to be offered.  In the dream he was nervous about accepting it, but then by the end of the dream he was excited for the new challenge.  I talked with him the next day at work and guess what?!?  He had been offered that very job a few days prior and the picture in the dream was exactly how he felt about it.  It was really skeptical of the new responsibilities, but he was starting to feel a peace that this was the direction that God was taking his career.

I’ll give one more example.  Two summers ago I dreamt that a friend of mine in another state was about to go on a 12 month maternity leave.  I had no idea if this friend was even pregnant so I emailed her the next day and told her of my dream.  She was in fact just a few weeks pregnant and she and her husband were concerned because she was having some spotting.  I told her that my dream confirmed that God is saying everything is going to be ok.  He’s created this life and has it all under control!  She was so relieved that I shared that revelation.  This baby is now a very healthy toddler boy! 

God is so cool!  There is no greater joy than to co-labor with him on this earth.  Dreams can be such a significant way that He can speak directly to you.  Believe it.  Boom, Bam!  

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