Thursday, October 6, 2011

I’m the Mom and you’re the Sweetie

Sienna likes to play “mom and sweetie” several times throughout the day.  What is this fun game you ask?  It is where she transforms into the mother of the household and I become her child (her child with a baby named Kya no less).   She transforms from a 3 year old to a grown woman and she calls me sweetie.  She scripts most of our conversations so I will say something that allows her to then correct me.  A typical conversation:
Sienna (as her normal 3 year old self):  “Mom, ask me if you can play a game on my phone.”
Me (as a young child):  “Mom, can I play a game on your phone?”
Sienna (as the mother):  “Sweetie, I told you not to ask me again.  Do you remember that?”
Sometimes her other dolls/stuffed animals get involved in the game as well.  Like the other day her stuffed frog was my brother.  He was not listening and was in time out.  This is where we pick up our conversation.
Me (as a young child):  “Brother, you need to listen to mommy.  She is trying to protect you.”
Sienna (as the mother) turns towards me with a very serious face:  “Sweetie, please just worry about yourself.” 
Such conversations go on and on until she tires of Mom and Sweetie and wants to play “Friends.”  This usually involves her turning into my “friend” and she calls herself either Kara or Sarah.  She then asks me my name and I am usually Sally.  She comes to my house and brings a Strawberry pie.  I have eaten A LOT of strawberry pie over the last 2 months J  She is so fun! 


  1. This is so cute!! I so wish our kids were growing up together! Sienna is so precious!!!

  2. And it's moments like those you're sharing with Sienna that make me treasure my 10 year "maternity leave" so very much!! Enjoy every minute of your time at home :)!!!! And the pics of the kids are just precious!
