Monday, July 29, 2013
I really have been slacking on being consistent with blogging. You know, I really only blog as a creative outlet because I do enjoy writing and it is fun to look back and see the happenings in the past that are so easily forgotten in the midst of a busy life. This is the same pleasure I find in journaling. The written word is really a treasure. I hope that future generations in my family line can one day read my words and get a glimpse of a life gone before them. They will see that culture, style, technology, music and industry change, but the human struggle, triumph, joy, sorrow and longing remain the same.
I am getting ready to embark on a new journey that will leave even less time for blogging; home schooling! My 5 year old will start kindergarten this year. After much prayer and discussion, we have decided to home school her for her kindergarten year. This will no doubt be a challenge, but a fun one! I know my many years of forcing my 3 younger siblings to “play” school with me will come in handy. I italicize the word play because I do not think this is the same verb that they would use. It’s not really play when you are forced to do something against your will. I know deep down they thank me for the wonderful start I gave them to their formalized education. Sienna might need to call them for counsel in the coming months!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
I’m Not Ready for This!
Tonight I took my newly turned 5 year old daughter on a bike ride. Shortly into the ride she stopped so she could tell me something. I wasn’t quite ready for the ensuing conversation that would last the remainder of the bike ride. She stopped to tell me that she thought a boy at Vacation Bible School is cute. She informed me that this is not the same as when we say “cute like a baby.” Oh boy! She described his black hair and how well he followed directions. She mentioned that he didn’t talk much but she just really liked him. Several minutes later she told me that she couldn’t stop thinking about “that boy.” By the end of the bike ride she told me that she just loves him and she wants to wear her pretty flower dress to VBS tomorrow. Although hilarious, I am so not ready for this!
Friday, April 12, 2013
I Like This Kid!
I have to share this sweet note that a student left my husband the other day. My husband teaches elementary school P.E. He is pretty much the rock star of the school. Here is a letter from one of his groupies.
Dear Mr. K
You are vare nis. You are the nisist pe tetchr in the wrld. You are vare hansum. Your wif is prite to. And your son is vare nis.
I’ve never met this kid but he thinks I’m pretty! Ha! How can you not think this is the sweetest letter ever?!?
Monday, April 8, 2013
A few months ago we had baptism Sunday at our church. It is always amazing to see people make an outward statement of faith to turn from their old life and fully surrender to Jesus. There were people from all walks of life who were baptized; children, adults making their first commitment to the Lord and adults who needed to recommit their lives to the Lord. Our 7 year old had a few friends who were baptized with this group. We had been talking to him about it, but not in a way to pressure him. We want him to be baptized when he, himself, knows that he wants to follow Jesus and submit to His will. Our job as parents is to guide him in this endeavor, but it is the work of the Holy Spirit to call us and transform our heart. We love Him, because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
So we’ve been talking about this over the last year and Jadon continued to say that he didn’t want to. Part of him was nervous about being dunked in water with so many eyes watching him! So again, we never pushed it but just tried to explain what it was. Then out of nowhere he came to me the other morning and said, “I think God wants me to be baptized today! Can I do it in the bathtub?!?” Marcel and I said, “OF COURSE!!!” So he got on his swim trunks and the whole family gathered around. We read the scripture of when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and then prayed for him. I had tears in my eyes the entire time. It was so awesome! Marcel baptized him. What a beautiful picture to witness between father and son. The father passing the gospel to the next generation and watching him emerge from the water FULL of joy! Jadon was a different kid that day and all of heaven rejoiced!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Life…through the eyes of a four year old
In honor of women’s history month, I am raising a very ambitious little girl. The other day she informed me how she will spend her work week when she is “older.” Would anyone like to contribute to her 529 plan?!?
Monday: Cashier (we had just been to Bed, Bath and Beyond so I am assuming this is her retail store of choice)
Tuesday: Police woman
Wednesday: Bible study teacher
Thursday: Dentist
Friday: This is the day she will spend with her children
Although this is a bit aggressive, I truly am thankful that she lives in a generation where any one of these options will be available to her!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
I certainly have been slacking lately when it comes to blogging. I guess I just haven’t had much to write! Life is good, busy as usual, but good. How is it March already? Hmmm I turn 33 this weekend. I have gray hair and my memory tends to fail me more often than not. I’m not sure how I feel about this. Here is what it is happening in my world.
Books I’m reading right now:
Songs I dig right now:
I now have a 2 year old! Wow!
I now have a potty trained 2 year old. Double wow!
I got to spend a weekend with my dad watching high school basketball!
I filed our taxes.
I made the best homemade cinnamon rolls last week.
In progress:
I’m figuring out how to publish a book.
I’m seeking God on whether or not to home school my daughter next year.
Monday, January 7, 2013
The Christmas season is over and a new year is upon us. Last year ended with joy and the new year began with sadness. The last Saturday in December had me holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers to celebrate a joyful wedding feast between my sister and her husband. The first Saturday in January had me holding a single rose as we said goodbye to my grandfather who is now at eternal rest. This is life, isn’t it? Full of seasons; one that brings joy and another that brings sadness, one that brings chaos and another that brings rest and still another one full of laughter and the other full of tears.
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 (New International Version)
This verse is such a comfort during the difficult seasons. These seasons should be expected and we have a creator who never fails to be our comfort. No one will pass through this life without experiencing the good with the bad, the sweet with the bitter, the happiness with the sorrow. But there is joy in the extension of comfort from our Heavenly Father. I think about the extreme emotions that I faced in a week’s time and I can’t help but smile at the tangible presence of God in each situation. One of extreme joy that gives us a glimpse of the wedding feast between Christ and His bride, the church, and another that reminds us of God’s mercy over this life and the next life when we call on the name of Jesus.
For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5 (New International Version)
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