Monday, April 8, 2013


A few months ago we had baptism Sunday at our church.  It is always amazing to see people make an outward statement of faith to turn from their old life and fully surrender to Jesus.  There were people from all walks of life who were baptized; children, adults making their first commitment to the Lord and adults who needed to recommit their lives to the Lord.  Our 7 year old had a few friends who were baptized with this group.  We had been talking to him about it, but not in a way to pressure him.  We want him to be baptized when he, himself, knows that he wants to follow Jesus and submit to His will.  Our job as parents is to guide him in this endeavor, but it is the work of the Holy Spirit to call us and transform our heart.  We love Him, because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
So we’ve been talking about this over the last year and Jadon continued to say that he didn’t want to.  Part of him was nervous about being dunked in water with so many eyes watching him!  So again, we never pushed it but just tried to explain what it was.  Then out of nowhere he came to me the other morning and said, “I think God wants me to be baptized today!  Can I do it in the bathtub?!?”  Marcel and I said, “OF COURSE!!!”  So he got on his swim trunks and the whole family gathered around.  We read the scripture of when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and then prayed for him.  I had tears in my eyes the entire time.  It was so awesome!  Marcel baptized him.  What a beautiful picture to witness between father and son.  The father passing the gospel to the next generation and watching him emerge from the water FULL of joy!  Jadon was a different kid that day and all of heaven rejoiced!    

1 comment:

  1. Would have loved to see a video of this!! Blessings to Jadon & all of you!!!
