My oldest little person turned 6 last week. That fact alone really seems impossible. A few days before his birthday, his belief in Santa, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy and all other magical creatures that mysteriously visit you while you sleep (the concept is really quite creepy) came to an end. I was really quite sad about this. My husband and I have always said that believing in such “people” will be something fun for our kids, but we won’t go out of our way to convince them that they are real. So the time came when Jadon was asking questions and starting to think about these scenarios with too much logic. How does a bunny leave candy for children without any arms to hold said candy?!? His questions were too demanding to brush them aside. The truth had to come out. He just smiled as the truth was revealed as if he had figured it out years ago.
I’m not sure why this is so sad to me?!? I guess it’s because it’s just one more sign that he’s growing too fast. I think believing in fantasy and having a wild imagination are such magical parts of childhood. On the bright side, I guess he now knows that all of these gift givers do not have endless pocketbooks!
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