Monday, January 24, 2011

First Post

For the last several months, I’ve been feeling the nudge to write a blog.  I’ve been resisting this nudge as it seems too scary to have one’s thoughts broadcast to the world in the galaxy of cyberspace (even if it is just my mom reading this….mom, are you there?).  I have kept a journal for 13 years now, so the idea of writing my thoughts and feelings is not foreign to me.  However, the old fashioned way of documenting such events is very private (for those of you scratching your head, it is called a pen and a piece of paper).  Unless my husband is secretly reading these words that fill my notebook, it is just between me and the paper.  No judgment.  No correction of spelling.  No second guessing my grammar or sentence structure.  Can I remind the audience that I am an engineer by trade?  Naturally I have limited social skills, thus having limited creative writing skills.  But my jokes…I’ll get you with my jokes!

So I don’t yet have a specific agenda to my blog other than documenting this adventure that God has given me called Life!  The title of my blog pretty much sums up this life.  Corporate boardrooms by day and toddler blankets by night (I have no interest in belly button lint…it was just another “B” word that sounded funny).  Maybe I’ll just document the things that God is teaching me everyday in hopes to pass on a lesson learned or a piece of grace to my fellow human beings.  That might be a good starting point.  If you are still reading, I suggest you stop if you don’t enjoy random, quirky thoughts.  In a nutshell, that is who I am.  I am a random, quirky thoughts sorta gal.

Peace be with you…


  1. Woo hoo!!!! This is the best day!!! I am SOOO Excited to be able to keep up with the day to day events of your family! I get my blog printed, and I have loved the memories I have recorded that I have long forgotten! So I encourage you to write often :).
    YAY!!! So happy to read your blog!!!!!

  2. I followed you over from Sarah.....I love the title of your blog. I look forward to reading more.

  3. this is good, cayla. I kept a journal too when I was in high school and freshman at ISU but those frigged winter in Ames and darn IE classes gave me little time to write my thoughts/feeling down and I have stopped writing since!! :( Write often and who knows you might inspire me to write some more (yes, old school style) -- Astrid
