Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A List

I always enjoy reading these from others, so I thought I would post one.

Favorite Time of Day:  Morning
Highlight of Each Day:  Getting home from work and hearing, “Mommmmyyyyy!”
Favorite Color:  Purple
Coke or Pepsi:  Definitely Coke
Gold or Silver:  Silver
Siblings:  Bill, Maureen, Maggie and Corey
Pets:  I am not an animal person
Favorite Season:  Spring (it used to be fall, but spring is definitely my favorite)
Favorite Sport to Play:  Basketball
Favorite Sport to Watch:  Basketball
Breakfast, lunch or dinner:  Dinner
Favorite Meal:  Pizza or Nachos
Favorite School Subject:  Math
Favorite Movie:  Sleepless in Seattle
Favorite TV Show:  The Office
Favorite TV Show as a Kid:  Full House
Snacks or Meals:  Meals
Last Movie You Watched in the Theatre:  Something Borrowed
Worst Household Chore:  Doing the dishes
Favorite Day of the Week:  Sunday
Favorite Restaurant:  The Melting Pot
Favorite Fast Food:  Chick-Fil-A
Best Vacation:  Hawaii (we went there on our honeymoon)
Worst Vacation:  Stanton family trip to a lake in Northern MN (I think we left a few days early)
Most Beautiful Place You’ve Visited:  Southern France
Books or Movies:  Books
Coolest Thing You’ve Done in the Last 6 Months:  Gave birth to a baby girl
Coffee or Tea:  Tea (only a few kinds)
Favorite Month:  March
Items in your Pocket:  No pockets today, normally just lint
Brands You are Partial To:  Pampers for diapers, Huggies for wipes, Welch’s grape jelly, Oreos (no knock offs please), Vaseline Intensive Care lotion, Cascade dishwasher detergent 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Money, Money, Money…..MONEY!

Are you seeing Donald Trump in your mind right now like I am?  I used to love that show.  Ok, so the point of this blog post is not to talk about The Apprentice or Donald Trump’s net worth.  It is to talk about my view of the green stuff.  Like everything in my life, I hope that my view resembles God’s view and I don’t just sound like a class of 5th graders learning to play the recorder. 

It seems that Marcel and I have been surrounded lately by the message of money.  Our church recently did a series on our economy and how our view and use of money is completely backwards as a nation (our economy is based on usury and debt…a man made system bound to fail).  The message of money has also been in a lot of my conversations lately, when I turn on the radio, when I pick up something to read, etc.  It seems to be everywhere.  More often than not, God is speaking in these reoccurring messages and wanting me to get something!  So now it’s taking the time to listen and figure out what that is.

I think the message that’s been spoken to me is not just a personal message, but a global one (thus my blog post).  It really is very simple and something we all know, but don’t often practice.  It is this, DO NOT WORRY.  Our security is in God and not money.  We must repent of the lack mentality and realize that God is the God of abundance.  There is not only one pie that we each need to fight for in order to get our share.  The pies are limitless and they come in all flavors!  Does this mean everyone will be rich and using dollar bills as napkins?  No!  Does it mean God will provide for our needs, just as he does the birds in the air?  Yes!  Money in itself is not evil.  It is just a tool used to provide for our families and bless others.  Evilness happens when we begin to love money. 

Loving money comes in all different disguises (the devil is tricky like that).  In our American culture, it is easy to think that loving money is something only the wealthy do as they are buying their third house, new Benz and vacationing in an exotic location.  The truth is, a person’s wealth has no correlation to loving money.  Loving money is a matter of the heart and where we place our security.  All walks of life can love money; poor, just making ends meet, middle class, wealthy, ultra wealthy…

In my experience, here is what loving money could look like:
o        Hoarding all of our money and not using it to bless others (stemming from the lack mentality…there is only enough to take care of my needs, I cannot think about the needs of others)
o        Not tithing on a regular basis (God asks us to tithe…He even challenges us and says to give 10% and see how much I will bless you!)
o        Spending an enormous amount of energy to get the best deal.  This is a fine line.  I am very frugal and want to steward my money wisely.  However, I don’t think God wants me obsessing about saving $5 on my grocery bill.  I know a lot of people that pour TONS of time into saving.  It’s almost as if their security is in the amount saved and not God’s provision.
o        Feeling entitled to the finer things in life.  Entitlement can signal a love of money.  God wants to bless us, but we are not entitled to go on nice vacations every year, have the latest gadgets, always wear the best clothes, etc.  We are ESPECIALLY not entitled to these things if it means going into debt to get them.  This leads to my next point…  
o        Having a large amount of consumer debt.  God says that the debtor is a slave to the lender.  God has called us to freedom, not bondage.  On the flip side of this, being debt free is not your security either.  God is always the source no matter how much debt you have.

I know there are many other symptoms that signal a heart that loves money, but these are just the few that God has been speaking to me over the last few weeks and years quite truthfully.  For us personally, we have worked really hard to pay down our student loan and automobile debt.  God has really blessed this area of our lives with faithful provision and the conviction to work REALLY hard for this freedom.  However, along the way I’ve been caught putting my security in the lack of debt and not in God.  I would find myself saying, “if we could just get rid of this student loan, then I would feel more secure.”  That, my friend, is putting my security in my net worth and ultimately loving money.  Fortunately God is so merciful and is assisting me on this journey to put ALL of my trust in Him.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


It seems that we have received a ton of wedding invitations over the last year.  I absolutely love weddings!  It is so exciting to see two people come together as one and the limitless possibilities for their life together.  I have wonderful memories of my own wedding, but I would change a few things if I was currently planning my wedding at the age 31 instead of 23.  I was never the type that had reoccurring visions of my perfect wedding as a little girl.  When Marcel and I went about planning our wedding, I really had nothing in mind of how I wanted the day to look.  I just kind of went with the flow and really wasn’t all that picky with my choices (a friend picked my bridesmaid dresses, my mom picked the flowers, etc).  Here is what I would keep the same and what I would do change.

o        Of course I would keep the same groom J
o        I would definitely still have lavender as my main color.  It is my absolute favorite. 
o        I would keep my dress the same.  I really loved my dress.
o        I would keep the same flowers.  I thought my flowers were really simple, yet so beautiful.
o        I would get fake nails again.  I bite/tear my nails and they are ugly (terrible habit…grandma Enid is probably in heaven asking God how she can get the $10 back that she gave me when I was 12 for temporarily ceasing the habit).

o        I would get married on the beach.  I think this would be so fun and beautiful!
o        I would definitely change my hair style into something more flowy and natural (to go with the beach theme).  I didn’t really like my hairdo on my actual wedding day.
o        I would get a new photographer and have candid photos of the day.  We had a horrible wedding photographer.  I usually cringe when I look at our wedding photos.  They are terrible.
o        I would write my own vows.
o        I would mention my parents on my wedding invite.  I picked out my wedding invites because we got a discount from the shop that sold me my dress.  I had no idea I was supposed to make mention of parents L  I still feel really bad about that.

Maybe a beach vacation to renew our wedding vows is in order one of these years!!!