Friday, August 17, 2012

Signs You Might Be Living With Young Children

1.       Smudges on your wall start to appear as abstract art.  If I could just get one more little finger print in this spot I could see a very creative masterpiece.
2.       Your only matching set of “glasses” is made of plastic and decorated with an NFL logo.  These only get used when company comes!

3.       Small lego pieces can be found in every part of your house…the bathtub, freezer, underneath your bed sheets (this is very painful by the way), the flower pots…EVERYWHERE!
4.        The smell of poop does not even register in your brain.  It often takes a friend (or complete stranger) to suggest a diaper change. #totallyimmune
5.       Speaking of diaper changes…diapers really don’t look that bad.  It’s not like you get to use the restroom in peace anyway.  Why bother even having to go to a special room?!? L
6.       Your grey hair is definitely not because of your age…this can only be attributed to the younger population living in your home.
7.       You have mastered a second language.  You know what every syllable, grunt or sound means that is said by your 18 month old.  (ooo, tay, bumpa, ell, dayda, enna, ma…translated as shoe, okay, grandpa, Bill, Jadon, Sienna, more)
8.       Laughter is usually the best medicine.

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