Friday, February 4, 2011


As I mentioned in my first blog post, my days are consumed with corporate board rooms…ok so maybe it’s more me sitting at my desk with a headset on or in some ho hum conference room, but boardroom sounds so much more important.  I work for a large company and lead a team to help drive system automation.  Sound geeky?  It is.  However, I do enjoy it most days.  I like the art of solving problems and seeing something come to life that makes someone else’s job easier and more efficient.  Ok, I’ll stop.  No need to bore my audience so soon in my blogging career. 

Although I do enjoy my job, it is tough being a mother who works outside of the home (let me inform the audience that the real work starts the second I enter my home at night to my adorable little boogers).   I’ve been a working mother for 5 years now.  This is the season that God has me in.  That’s what life is about, different seasons with different journeys that ultimately fulfill His purposes of transforming your life into the image of Christ.  That said, I have struggled with a lot of guilt and condemnation of being a working mother over the past 5 years.  However, as I’ve pressed in and prayed about this, I have finally started to listen to what God has been telling me all along, “I have called you to the work place!  I need to there for my harvest.  Your kids are MINE and not yours.  I have their well being and destiny in control, whether you are with them 24x7 or not.”  Talk about humbling and reassuring.  So now I have the choice, to believe God at His word and take hold of that promise or let the guilt and condemnation continue to dictate my view of myself as a mother.  The voice of guilt and condemnation are NEVER from God.

Please don’t misunderstand my message.  I think mothering is an anointed calling by God, whether you work outside or inside the home.  As mothers, we will answer to the Father one day on how we trained His children.  But some women are called to work full time in the home and some are not.  In this stage of my life, I am called outside of the home away from my children to be with other “children” that our heavenly Father has created.  Through His wisdom and grace, I am becoming ok with this fact and accepting my role in advancing His kingdom.  Seasons come and seasons go and I have accepted this season. 

For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. ~ Ephesians 2:10.   


  1. I love this! I tell people that my mom was actually a better mom because she worked. I know you are not necessarily that way, but I really like that God calls us each to different things! The enemy will condemn us no matter what choice we make....he is ugly that way. Fortunately, you hear from God and obey Him! You're awesome!!

  2. Sarah, You've always been so encouraging in this area of my life...often time providing a lift just when I need it most. Love you lots! :)
