Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Life…through the eyes of a four year old

In honor of women’s history month, I am raising a very ambitious little girl.  The other day she informed me how she will spend her work week when she is “older.”  Would anyone like to contribute to her 529 plan?!?
Monday:  Cashier (we had just been to Bed, Bath and Beyond so I am assuming this is her retail store of choice)
Tuesday:  Police woman
Wednesday:  Bible study teacher
Thursday:  Dentist
Friday:  This is the day she will spend with her children

Although this is a bit aggressive, I truly am thankful that she lives in a generation where any one of these options will be available to her!

1 comment:

  1. I intended to read this a few weeks ago and (not) surprisingly put it off! Oh, sweet Sienna--can't wait to see what she actually decides to do with her life someday :)!! I'm somewhat surprised she didn't have "be a princess" included in her weekly schedule, but I guess that's just a way of life--not necessarily a vocation!! I so enjoy reading your musings, MJ!!!
