Tuesday, November 15, 2011

James Chapter 3

I’m back with the next chapter in my James bible study series.  I want to make a point real quick that I am not speaking from a point of mastery, but one of revelation as I’m reading this still trying to gain authority in these areas.  In other words, I’m not typing these words as if I’ve got everything figured out.  That is why I’m thankful for grace and mercy J
The title of this chapter is controlling the tongue.  I seek help in this area DAILY!  Here are a few really great verses to digest:
James 3: 4-6  Consider ships:  though very large and driven by fierce winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs.  So too, though the tongue is a small part of the body, it boasts great things.  Consider how large a forest a small fire ignites.  And the tongue is a fire…
James 3: 9-10 With the tongue we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men who are made in God’s likeness.  Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing.
Yea, these are pretty convicting verses.  The bible tells us that the power of life and death is in the tongue.  Think about that!  The words your tongue forms are literally bringing life or death to your environment.  We have a saying in our house with our kids when asking them to think about the words they are choosing.  We simply ask them, are you speaking light or darkness right now?  Their childlike faith allows them to grasp the fact that they are either bringing Jesus’ kingdom or the devil’s kingdom with the words they are choosing. 
Whenever I am in one of my “moods” (my husband can fill you in on the details), I can often trace the blahness back to the environment that I’ve created with my thoughts which usually translate into words that don’t need to be said (that’s why renewing your mind is so important…but I don’t want to get too far off track here).  Like the above verse says, your words steer the ship, they fan the flame, they set the tone, they control the entire body in the way of blessing or cursing.  The hardest one for me personally?!?!  Controlling my tongue when someone is really on my last nerve.  God, you can’t possibly mean to speak blessing on that person?!?  Are you sure you made that person in your likeness?  Oh fine, go on a be blessed Mr. Don’t-look-back-because-I’m-sticking-my-tongue-out-at-you.  I’m still working on this one.
I think God wants us to first and foremost grasp the power our words have; no matter how insignificant the conversation might seem.  This goes for ALL words, words when you’re talking to yourself, talking to a friend, talking to God, talking to an enemy, talking to your boss, and on and on…Everything in God’s kingdom carries so much power.  Words are no exception!

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